Sunday, March 8, 2009

Kick It! (Beastie Boys)

I am going up to do my last workout of the week for p90x. It's Kenpo X and I've had this tune in my head all DAY long by Beastie Boys, where they begin with "Kick it!" Can anybody name that tune?

Anyway, I really like Kenpo X. It's not as "hard" as the weight workouts, but it's a good cardio workout; a nice wind-down from the heavy lifting. I will say that Kenpo X is the only workout so far that I find myself really working hard at during the "breaks." I have a hard time keeping my heart rate up in the zone. So, during the breaks, I have to run in place and do all the jumping jacks, etc. just to get back in the zone. I have really spent a lot of time concentrated on good high kicks. I think that one of the reasons my heart rate has been lagging is because of the intensity on my part. I think that I'm holding back a little when I should be really trying to.......

"KICK IT!" There it goes again! :)

And here I go again........(another 90's song, extra credit for that guess)