Sunday, March 22, 2009

60 Day Fit Test Results

After my last post, I decided to do something proactive. Instead of totally getting down on myself for a long weekend of gluttony, I decided to assess how far I've come so far with p90x. Since it's almost 11:00 pm, I decided that I would forgo trying to catch up with a Kenpo X workout and just do the fit test.

The p90x fit test is the low water mark of where I was physically before I started p90x. If you are wondering if p90x is right for you, you will definitely want to do the fit test. I barely made it into the program. Looking back, I think I would have tried Power 90 first, then p90x. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Here are my numbers from Day 60. Actually, I'm on about Day 56, but who's counting. I didn't do Vertical Leap because I didn't have anyone to measure for me. My wife went to bed around 10:30.

Exercise Day 0 Day 60 Net Gain/Loss
Pull Ups 3 3 Goose Egg
Push Ups 30 40 +10
Toe Touch -1 inch + 1/2 inch +1 1/2 inches
Wall Squat 1 min. 16 secs 3 min 1 sec +1 min 45 secs
Bicep Curls 30 @ 25 lbs 11 @ 40 lbs. Not sure
In & Outs 40 60 +20

Heart Rate Maximizer: This is where you do fast jumping jacks for 1 min. 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of the fastest, most intense jumping jacks of your life.

Time Day 0 HR Day 60 HR Net Gain/Loss
At Completion 168 152 - 14 beats
At 1 Minute 123 118 - 5 beats
At 2 Minutes 130 96 - 34 beats
At 3 Minutes 116 102 - 14 beats
At 4 Minutes 112 96 -16 beats

So, even after a long weekend of gluttony, I can feel good about the overall progress that I've made. One weekend doesn't make or break you. It's a marathon; you've got to keep running. It's okay to slow down a little, just don't stop and get a pastrami sandwich (or a hamburger, in my case).