Sunday, February 15, 2009

How I met my tormenter.... I am, minding my own business in Red Robin eating grilled chicken (excuse me, that's a blue cheese burger and 2 baskets of fries) when I see this friend of mine from a church that me and my wife used to go to (long story). Anyway, my friend, Jason, is looking so slender. He was already what I considered to be fit/skinning/little. I mean, after all, I'm 6' 250 lbs. (258 lbs.), so anybody under 185 looks little to me.

I walk up to Jason and I say, "Dude, you lost weight. I mean, not like you had any to lose, but you are definitely smaller. What's the deal?" I have to be honest, in the back of my head, I thought he might be seriously sick or something. He says, "I'm doing p90x!" (Of course, drugs...that figures).
So, I say, "What's that?" Jason begins to explain to me about a fitness regimen that includes 12 DVD's, a pull-up bar, some resistance bands, a couple of dumbbells and a yoga mat. OK?! You have my interest.

I then begin to notice that Jason isn't sick at all. HE IS RIPPED! He doesn't have a lot of weight to him (I'd guess 165 lbs.), but what he has is muscle. He takes a few more minutes to explain to me more about it, but it goes in one ear and out the other. I must do my own research.

Stay tuned and google research!