Saturday, March 14, 2009

Kicking A$$ and Taking Names

I'm glad you talked me into going up there. It was a great p90x workout. Probably one of my favorites. p90x Kenpo X. I really feel like I'm killing two birds with one stone. Not only do I get a pretty envigorating cardio workout, but I feel like I'm learning a little about karate.

In fact, I keep wondering about actually starting my belt journey. That's what is so great about p90x. It makes you feel like you can do things you never thought about doing before.

I wanted to tell you about a couple of "themes" for me lately. Theme 1: I DO NOT want to go workout. It doesn't matter what time of day or night, I just don't want to. What is funny is that after I am done, I LOVE IT! I love the kick-tail workout that I get and how my body feels. I just can't get mentally prepared to Bring It! until I am sitting there in front of the tv. Now I know why they always say "Keep Pushing Play." Because it is so dang hard to keep pushing play, but after you push play, it's all down hill from there.

Theme 2: If I don't workout in the morning, I end up working out at like 8:00 PM at night, after the kids go to bed. Let me just tell you that that is not a good idea. I mean, it's probably okay if you are single, but for me and my wife, it's BAD MOJO. It's the time of the day that is just us, and I'm ruining it. I don't know if any of you are running into this problem, but I just thought I would forewarn those of you that are just starting out. Do not work out during "couples time."

Tomorrow is Stretch X and then it's on to Week 8. Recovery week! I'm hoping to post some pics next Monday of the Day 1 versus Day 60. I can't wait. I hope I look good.

Any chance I grew some hair on the top of my bald spot?

A boy can dream, cant he?